Tidy home, Tidy mind?

Feather duster

There’s a wonderful purity to a brand new house. Its unmarked walls and immaculate finishes are very appealing and it’s easy to admire a room’s clean lines before furniture and personal possessions take centre stage. Even if you don’t take feng shui seriously, a tidy home will be calmer and more appealing than a cluttered one. That’s why our show homes are always lightly furnished – to let the accommodation speak for itself.

It’s obviously unrealistic to preserve your home in pristine condition once you’re living in it, however, these tips ought to improve its aesthetics and ambience…

  1. Add extra storage inside wardrobes.

At Cruden Homes, we’re big fans of wardrobes. Most of our bedrooms come with fitted robes, and these full-height storage solutions are handy for more than just clothes. You can store laundry baskets, shoe racks and shelving/drawer units inside a wardrobe, where they can’t be seen (and aren’t tricky to vacuum around).

  1. Choose furniture with practical storage space.

It’s tempting to pick glass TV units and open shelving units for living spaces. However, every item you own could end up on show, from remote controls to instruction manuals. Most people want a few prized possessions on display (like picture frames and vases), but cupboards and drawer units are important for hiding less glamorous items.

  1. A place for everything...

From house keys to spare light bulbs, identify a specific home for everything. Not only does this encourage you to put things away properly, it’ll be easier to find them. Hunting for lost items is uniquely stressful – and often unnecessary if you have an effective filing system.

  1. Look for ingenious space-saving solutions.

There are loads of clever ways to condense and streamline your home, from drawer dividers and waste bins mounted inside kitchen cupboards, to bed divans with integral storage. Look for items and furnishings that perform more than one function within their existing footprint.

  1. Do an annual inventory of your belongings.

Once a year, sort through any accumulated clutter. If you haven’t looked at it over the last twelve months, will you need it in the next twelve? Charities gratefully accept everything from old clothing to kitchen gadgets, though you could always sell unwanted items on eBay.

  1. Conduct a spring clean.

Giving your home a thorough clean restores much of its new-build ambience. Empty drawers and units to remove any debris and defrost the fridge freezer before scrubbing its shelves back to showroom condition. Move furnishings to vacuum under/behind them, repaint windowsills, and leave every window open for a few hours. The results will be worth it.

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